Ny ordning
Kl. 9.00-14.00
Vejledning til opgavesættet
Du skal besvare følgende opgaver: | |
Tekster til opgave 6: |
6A – Fiction: |
“A Rumour of Fire”, a short story by Ellen Birkett Morris, 2020. |
6B – Non-fiction: |
The texts focus on gambling
Text 1: “Becky and Ben’s Story”, a podcast by Paul Connolly, BBC website, 2020. Text 2: “Student gambling addiction is a real problem and we need to talk about it”, an article by Mel Ramsay, Studentproblems website, 2019. |
6C – Fiction: |
“Ambitions”, a short film by Shimon Machida, national screen institute website, 2018. |
Den samlede eksaminationstid for opgave 1-6 er 5 timer. Besvarelsen bedømmes som en helhed ud fra de faglige mål for niveauet. Der lægges vægt på beherskelsen af det engelske sprog, forståelse af forlægget og færdighed i skriftlig fremstilling på engelsk.
Det anbefales, at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen, som ligger under Template i menuen til venstre. Besvarelsen afleveres i ét dokument med opgaverne i rækkefølgen 1-6.
Henvisninger til tekst, video- og lydklip
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger. Til forklaring af grammatiske opgaver kan materialerne være på dansk.
Du kan henvise til dele af video- og lydklip, f.eks. ved at angive afspillerens minut- og sekundtal for henholdsvis starten og slutningen af klippet.
Tekster i opgavesættet
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.
Assignment 1
Eksempel: |
He pulled up outside...
He pulls up outside… |
He pulled up outside his father’s house just after eleven o’clock. […] A redbrick detached house, with an extension added over the garage in the early 1970s. He knew the house so well now that he no longer saw it, no longer noticed it, and as such he no longer knew it at all, and often found it difficult to describe in any detail to a stranger. The only thing he noticed this morning was that the plants in the window box outside the living room were all dead, and looked dried up. Inside he could see that all was reasonably clean and ship-shape as usual. He was paying for a cleaner to come in once a week, on Thursdays, as he didn’t trust his father to look after the place. On the draining board in the kitchen were a single plate, a single knife and fork, a beer glass and a frying pan. Since the death of his wife, Colin did not cook himself a meal that required anything more complicated than a frying pan. He would fry some tomatoes and have them on toast with a fried egg: perhaps some mushrooms if he was feeling adventurous. The only time this diet varied was when Benjamin cooked for him, or took him out for dinner somewhere. Jonathan Coe, Middle England, 2018 |
Assignment 2
- 4 adjektiver (tillægsord)
- 4 adverbier (biord)
- 4 pronominer (stedord)
- 4 substantiver (navneord)
- 4 verber (udsagnsord)
In the podcast from “Nature’s voice on Feedspot”, Emily Lomax and Natasha Yorke-Edgell from The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) are interviewed about climate change. |
Assignment 3
at − beside − between − for − for − into − into − of − on − on − on − underneath − up − with |
Will stares [ at ] the blood and reaches [ ] his back pocket. “I’m ringing 111, Eddie. You look real bad.” They wait, neither [ ] them speaking. Eddie is hurting too much to form thoughts, to utter words. Will is busy [ ] his phone. The ambulance station is [ ] the next block, and it doesn’t take long [ ] the green and yellow shape to pull [ ] view. Eddie watches two blokes get out, carrying a stretcher and a long board. One lifts his head, shoulders and hips, while the other slowly slides the board [ ]. Together they carry him and the mobile [ ] the ambulance. Will curls [ ] [ ] the seat [ ] Eddie, the skateboard [ ] his legs. Just before the painkillers kick in Eddie opens his eyes. The pupils are wide and dark [ ] opioids. Vivienne Bailey, “The Big Smoke”, 2019 |
Assignment 4
Connect the sentences so that they form two meaningful texts.
Assignment 5
Testronic Labs is a world class Quality Assurance company serving the global games industry. At Testronic, we view the game experience as an immersive, personally meaningful experience that demands the most steadfast commitment to quality. Nothing should interrupt that experience! REQUIREMENTS - Strong interest in video games - Familiarity with basic computer skills (Microsoft Office, PC setup) |
1 nybegyndere
Assignment 6
- Answer assignment 6A or assignment 6B or assignment 6C.
- Answer all the questions in the assignment that you choose.
- Write separate answers to each question.
- The total length of your paper must be 700-1000 words.
Assignment 6A – Fiction
1. Write a summary of “A Rumour of Fire” in about 150 words.
2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “A Rumour of Fire”. You must focus on the narrator.
Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
setting, development, the ending, main theme
Your essay must include references to the text.
3. Taking your starting point in the short story, discuss how to deal with life changing experiences.
Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.
initially, at this point, on the whole, yet, however, next, above all, finally |
Ellen Birkett Morris, “A Rumour of Fire”, a short story, 2020.
Assignment 6B – Non-fiction
1. Write a summary of Text 1 “Becky and Ben’s Story” in about 150 words.
2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about Text 2 “Student gambling addiction is a real problem and we need to talk about it”. You must focus on the attitude to gambling in the text.
Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
topic, modes of appeal, receivers, intention
Your essay must include references to the text.
3. Taking your starting point in one of the texts, discuss whether gambling should be illegal.
Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.
initially, at this point, on the whole, yet, however, next, above all, finally |
Text 1: Peter Connolly, “Becky and Ben’s Story”, a podcast from BBC website, 2020.
- Podcast: “Becky and Ben’s Story”
- Transcript: “Becky and Ben’s Story”
Assignment 6C – Fiction
1. Write a summary of “Ambitions” in about 150 words.
2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “Ambitions”. You must focus on Charlee, the young actress.
Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
setting, sound, conflict, the title
Your essay must include references to the text.
3. Taking your starting point in the short film, discuss how far you should push yourself to achieve your ambitions.
Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.
initially, at this point, on the whole, yet, however, next, above all, finally |
Shimon Machida, “Ambitions”, a short film, 2018.
Joanathan Coe. Middle England. London: Viking, 2018.
“Nature’s voice on Feedspot”. Feedspot website, 2020, viewed February 2021. (http://hwcdn.libsyn.com)
Vivienne Bailey. “The Big Smoke”. Helen McNeil et al. (eds.) Fresh Ink Collection of Voices from Aotearoa New Zealand. Wellington: Cloud Ink Press, 2019.
J.D. Vance. Hillbilly Elegy. New York: Harper Collins, 2016.
Serious Readers. LRB volume 42, 16 July 2020. Serious Readers website, viewed February 2021. (www.seriousreaders.com)
“Video Games Tester − job post, Testronic, New Orleans”. Indeed website, 2020, viewed February 2021. (www.indeed.com)
Ellen Birkett Morris. “A Rumour of Fire”. Lost Girls. Brookland: TouchPoint Press, 2020.
Paul Connolly. “Becky and Ben’s Story”. BBC website, 2020, viewed February 2021. www.bbc.co.com)
Mel Ramsay. “Student gambling addiction is a real problem and we need to talk about it”. Studentproblems website, 2019, viewed February 2021. (www.studentsproblems.com)
Shimon Machida. “Ambitions”. national screen institute website, 2018, viewed February 2021. (www.nsi-canada.ca)
Image credit: “Video games tester”. Credit: GETTY IMAGES. University of Surrey website, 2021, viewed Fenruary 2021. (https://www.surrey.ac.uk)
Image credit: “Becky and Ben’s story”. In: Paul Connolly. “Becky and Ben’s Story”. BBC website, 2020, viewed February 2021. (www.bbc.co.com)
Image credit: Photo of young man. In: Mel Ramsay. “Student gambling addiction is a real problem and we need to talk about it”. Studentproblems website, 2019, viewed February 2021. www.studentsproblems.com)
Image credit: “Duck Island Cottage, Summer 2010”. London Gardens Trust website, 2021, viewed February 2021. (www.londongardenstrust.org)